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Make your Mark in History

Once in a while, things happen, that change us forever. Our world as we knew it would never be the same again. A pre and post version of us now exists. Sometimes it’s for the better, sometimes for the worse. All we really know, is that once it happens, we can never go back.

We Changed. A big dot now appears on the timeline of our life.

Make no mistake about it, that time is now.

Make your Mark in History.

These… “things” on a personal level, usually have something to do with an epic love, a devastating heartbreak. A chance encounter, an illness, a loss, a child, a career change. On a global level, it’s usually war or an innovation. History has shown us time and time again, there is a distinct BEFORE and AFTER, a PRE and POST. Columbus, Hitler, Internet, Antibiotics, Equal Rights, Facebook. Just to name a few.

History was Made and our world was never the same again. Ever.

Today, we find ourselves in the midst of life altering happenings. Likes our historic predecessors we will experience paradigm shifts. A global event. And things will NEVER be the same again.

The before is over, but the after isn’t here yet. We find ourselves in the dash (-). The in-between. The middle ground where the after hasn’t been defined and the dash means everything.

How we handle this, our actions. WILL set new precedents. We WILL cause devastation or create growth We WILL get set back centuries or advance. We WILL be weaker or stronger than ever.

The choice is ours.

As the world is seemingly falling apart… perhaps it’s actually falling together. We are in unprecedented times, full of uncertainty. Like Columbus and his crew sailing uncharted waters, we are navigating to the best of our abilities. We are putting our best at the forefront. We are calling on our leaders, our innovators, our game changes. Our peacemakers, our teachers, our healers.

We are calling on Our People. Make your Mark in History.

We are calling on the people of this great nation, to once again, be a part of something bigger than themselves. To show up for a fight we never asked for or wanted. To be make a global impact. To shift the state of our entire world. To change life as we know it. Like those on the ship that sailed the oceans blue in 1492, full of danger, excitement, hope, and vigor, our sails are set for a destination we’ve never seen before.

And our only option; is to be successful.

“Nothing is impossible, even the word itself says, I’m possible” Aubrey Hepburn.

I know things are scary and we’re not sure what to do. The truth is, we won’t know if we did it “right” until we can look back and reflect. Until then, we are finding our way. Working together to find the best possible solutions. We are looking for the edge, the thing(s) that will tip the scale in our favor.

I want to impress upon you, that you are that ONE thing we are looking for. It’s your time.

Make your Mark in History.

Now more than ever, we need you to be your best self. To be more then you’ve ever been. As inhabitants of the Earth we are charged with its stewardship. As stewards, every person can make an impact. Collectively we can save the world.

In times like this I am often reminded of the what I call the “starfish story” –

“One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. Approaching the boy, he asked, “what are you doing?” the youth replied, “throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up, and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.” “Son,” the man said, “Don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!” After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said… “I made a difference for that one.”

There are going to be nay-sayers. People who believe there is nothing we can do. People who will judge you, laugh at you, try to stop you. I beg of you, don’t listen to them. Don’t let anyone stop you from doing your part. Your part, in case you were wondering, it to be the best damn version of yourself you’ve ever been! Go all in!! Be the person you admire the most.

We can play the victim full of worry, fear and complaints only focusing on the problems.


We can be the heroes full of optimism, ideas and compliments focused on solutions.

Make your mark in history.

I believe in you!!


The Money Duchess

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